Yeaaaah ~ I'm into NMB right now and I like them so much but AKB is still my first ~
naaaahh ~ ske is not in my ranking, I dont care about them, having a feeling they are just being pushed by aki-p
let's start~~
I like the holy trio ~
yamada nana tan, yamamoto sayanee and watanabe miruki :P
I mean they are like goddesses right? they should have a sub-unit in NMB (lol), they can make fans go wild with just the three of them, they are like the face deshou?
First is....
Watanabe Miyuki
Called Miruki (milky) she is my oshimen, she is the skinniest of them all, I like her, the way she smile, she loves my miichan too, she has a dreams to be the center of akb i know everyone wants that, but I know she can be :P she stands out in performances, she should be the ace of NMB48. Great confidence in dancing,right ? Well she WAS the ace before sayanee, it was just ruined because of her scandal :
guys,, please ~~ it was like yeaaaaaaaarrrrrsssss agoo ~
how can you not forgive a face like this? :3 ~ hmm I will like her ~~ forever XD I dont care what anybody says. And oh.. she was transferred in Team B ( chimuu B) I wish she was just transferred in team K ~.~
Next is ...
Yamada Nana
Nana-tan ~ :3 her real name is Nakayama Nana, she is a VERRRRY great dancer, you see, she has the dancing skills, she was from hello! project before (and I forgot what group was that, dont know, dont care) and now she is in Aki-p now (yeay ~) for me, it was a great decision because she became more active in entertainment plus, now she is a front girl :3~~ she is the older sister of the famous johnny guy NAKAYAMA YUMA ~~ *claps yeay**
kissuuu ~~ XD
they kinda look a like ne ~~ :3 so sweet ~~
I'm looking forward for her, she is somehow interesting, her voice, she has sweet smile, she is the oldest in NMB, obaachan but acts the youngest, she has the right to be the captain ~
let us support her ne~~
Yamamoto Sayaka
She is sayanee from her nmb :) the captain, somehow the ace (?) this little cutie who looks like an alien fish XD maaa~ she seems humble, innocent and she does weird face like yuko and called by maeda as 'oppai chan'. She somehow does it by faith, I think it was just luck ? She seems simple but there is something within her, I still can't see it, she is like aachan?! :O but I am just confused, when you are the leader... you should not be the ace right? RIGHT? it will be unfair. An ace is different from being a leader, but I love this girl seriously ; A ; . I dont know her much, and I will know it ~ soooon ~ :P
sometimes stiff but forever cute ~~ .
XD maa~~ I know there are legendary five, mayu and aina are the other two ~ well, not that I dont like them... it's just I dont know them yet : P